Elder & Deacon Apprentice Cohort

A 1-year (for elders) or 6-month (for deacons) program to provide education, mentoring, and practical experience to discern a man’s candidacy as an elder or deacon in the church. After completion of this program and still feeling the leading of the Holy Spirit, a man may be nominated as an elder or deacon.

Cohort Objectives

    1. To theologically train men in the areas of personal spiritual growth, congregational care, and practical ministry so they are prepared for and capable of serving as a pastor or deacon in Central Baptist Church.
    2. To facilitate the personal spiritual development of participants so that they deepen their relationship with Christ and are living examples to the church of following Jesus.
    3. To provide practical ministry experience possibly including visitation, evangelism, teaching service in the church, preaching opportunities, and “shadowing” our current elders and deacons.
    4. To familiarize participants with Central’s statement of faith (Baptist Faith and Message, 2000) and philosophy of ministry so that they are confident in articulating, teaching, and defending our church’s and our denomination’s distinctives.
    5. To provide a structure with the current elders and deacons through which a participant will prayerfully determine if he should be brought before the church as an elder candidate.

Book List

      • Thabiti M. Anyabwile. Finding Faithful Elders and Deacons
      • Donald Whitney. Ten Questions To Diagnose Your Spiritual Health
      • Mark Dever. Nine Marks of a Healthy Church
      • Jeremy Pierre and Deepak Reju. The Pastor and Counseling: The Basics of Shepherding Members in Need 
      • Bryan Chapell. Christ-Centered Preaching: Redeeming the Expository Sermon
      • Wayne Grudem. Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine
      • Eugene H. Peterson. The Contemplative Pastor: Returning to the Art of Spiritual Direction
      • Brian Croft. The Pastor’s Ministry: Biblical Priorities for Faithful Shepherds

Articles and Additional Papers

      • Harvey, David, “The Plurality Dashboard: Indicators for Inspecting the Health of Plurality”
      • Harvey, David, “Why Lead Pastor?”
      • Schreiner, Thomas, “Why I Am a Cessationist” (Schreiner)
      • Storms, Sam, “Why I Am a Continuationist” (Storms)
      • Central Baptist Church Constitution and Leadership Handbook
      • The Baptist Faith and Message (2000) (BFM)
      • Central Baptist Church, Understanding An Elder-Led, Deacon-Served, Congregationally-Accountable Church

Meeting Schedule

Cohort meetings are typically two hours in length and are held once every two weeks (or as determined best by current participants). Elder and deacon apprentices complete the first 2 quarters together, then deacon apprentices are finished. Elder apprentices commit to completing all 4 semesters.

Quarter 1: The Word of God and the Man of God (5 sessions)

This quarter focuses on the doctrine of Scripture and personal spiritual growth.

Books/Articles used:

      • Thabiti M. Anyabwile. Finding Faithful Elders and Deacons
      • Donald Whitney. Ten Questions To Diagnose Your Spiritual Health
      • Harvey, David, “The Plurality Dashboard: Indicators for Inspecting the Health of Plurality” 
      • Harvey, David, “Why Lead Pastor?”

Quarter 2: The Church and Congregational Care (5 sessions)

The first half of this quarter focuses on ecclesiology (the doctrine of “church”) as well as Central Baptist Church’s polity. The second half of this quarter focuses on the unique role of spiritual direction in congregational care.

Books/Articles used:

      • Mark Dever. Nine Marks of a Healthy Church
      • Jeremy Pierre and Deepak Reju. The Pastor and Counseling: The Basics of Shepherding Members in Need
      • Central Baptist Church Constitution and Leadership Handbook
      • Central Baptist Church, Understanding An Elder-Led, Deacon-Served, Congregationally-Accountable Church

Quarter 3: Theological Overview (8 sessions)

This quarter focuses on the different categories of systematic theology, with attention on how to make theology practical to life (learn and live the Bible).

Books/Articles used:

      • Wayne Grudem. Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine
      • Schreiner, Thomas, “Why I Am a Cessationist” (Schreiner)
      • Storms, Sam, “Why I Am a Continuationist” (Storms)

Quarter 4: Preaching and Practical Pastoral Ministry Responsibilities (4 sessions)

This quarter focuses on sermon preparation and preaching, as well as giving an overview of other responsibilities, such as teaching, church discipline, and administration.

Books/Articles used:

      • Bryan Chapell. Christ-Centered Preaching: Redeeming the Expository Sermon
      • Eugene H. Peterson. The Contemplative Pastor: Returning to the Art of Spiritual Direction
      • Brian Croft. The Pastor’s Ministry: Biblical Priorities for Faithful Shepherds