Our men are studying through John McArthur’s 1, 2, 3 John and Jude: Established in Truth…Marked by Love. This is a wonderful opportunity to study God’s Word in a smaller setting and to build community with other men in the church. When: Thursday...
The fall quarter of Kid Connection will run from October to December. Central Baptist Church is a church for every generation. Kid Connection is a ministry that connects generations. Each quarter, the children and teens of CBC are paired with an adult who serves as...
The glory of God is our focus; the Bible is our central theme. Every element of our worship services is designed around the sermon’s Scripture text. We use a mix of songs, new and old – songs are chosen to support the sermon text. Prayer times are not just...
Good News Clubs are present in every Marion County, Ohio elementary school. Our church has the opportunity to lead the Monday club at Pleasant Elementary School. This year, several church members serve as helpers in clubs at other schools. Children enjoy an...
The Church Center App is where you can explore, engage, and get involved with our church throughout the week. On the app you can… View upcoming events Give online Register and view the church directory Join a small group (EquipCentral class) Watch livestream or...