Help in Marion

Help in Marion

We know times can be tough and we want to help point you in a direction that will provide some help and relief for the practical needs in your life. We also want to point you to the greatest need in your life–a relationship with Jesus Christ! Let us tell you...
Amazon Smile

Amazon Smile

Support the church through Amazon Smile. Want to help make a difference while you shop in the Amazon app, at no extra cost to you? Simply follow the instructions below to select “Central Baptist Church Marion” as your charity and activate AmazonSmile in...
Elder & Deacon Apprentice Cohort

Elder & Deacon Apprentice Cohort

A 1-year (for elders) or 6-month (for deacons) program to provide education, mentoring, and practical experience to discern a man’s candidacy as an elder or deacon in the church. After completion of this program and still feeling the leading of the Holy Spirit, a man...
Church Government

Church Government

Central is an elder-led, deacon-served, congregationally accountable church. Read more about our church government in this paper.